- automation
- автоматизация
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology.
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology.
Automation — (ancient Greek: = self dictated ), roboticization or industrial automation or numerical control is the use of control systems such as computers to control industrial machinery and processes, reducing the need for human intervention. [cite web url … Wikipedia
automation — [ ɔtɔmasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1955; mot angl. 1 ♦ Automatisation. 2 ♦ Ensemble des connaissances et techniques concernant les systèmes automatiques et leur mise en œuvre. Théorie de l automation. Recherches en automation. automation n. f. Automatisation … Encyclopédie Universelle
automation — ☆ automation [ôt΄ə mā′shən ] n. [ AUTOMA(TIC) + TION] 1. in manufacturing, a system or method in which many or all of the processes of production, movement, and inspection of parts and materials are automatically performed or controlled by self… … English World dictionary
automation — (n.) 1948, in the manufacturing sense, coined by Ford Motor Co. Vice President Delmar S. Harder, from AUTOMATIC (Cf. automatic) + ION (Cf. ion). Earlier (1838) was automatism, which meant quality of being automatic in the classical sense … Etymology dictionary
automation — [n] machine control computerization, industrialization, mechanization; concept 770 … New thesaurus
automation — /aw teuh may sheuhn/, n. 1. the technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a minimum. 2. a mechanical device, operated electronically,… … Universalium
Automation — Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Automation », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) L automation consiste à utiliser les services d un logiciel dans une application informatique. En informatique musicale, dans un… … Wikipédia en Français
automation — automate au‧to‧mate [ˈɔːtəmeɪt ǁ ˈɒː ] verb [transitive] MANUFACTURING to change to a system where goods are produced or jobs are done by machines rather than by people: • Computers have enabled us to automate many of the routine tasks in offices … Financial and business terms
Automation — Automatisierung * * * Au|to|ma|ti|on 〈f. 20; unz.〉 = Automatisierung * * * Au|to|ma|ti|on, die; , en [engl. automation, zu griech. autómatos, ↑ Automat]: 1. durch Automatisierung erreichter Zustand der modernen technischen Entwicklung, der durch… … Universal-Lexikon
Automation — automatizacija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. automation; automatization vok. Automation, f; Automatisation, f; Automatisierung, f rus. автоматизация, f pranc. automatisation, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
automation — automatizacija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. automation; automatization vok. Automation, f; Automatisation, f; Automatisierung, f rus. автоматизация, f pranc. automatisation, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas